As I write, temperatures across the US and Europe are soaring. Here in New York the unrelenting heat has driven everyone indoors as much as possible. Even the early morning hours offer little break. My run through Central Park this morning felt …

Why Is It So Dang Hot? Perhaps God is Trying to Tell Us Something Keep reading »

A couple of weeks ago I took a much needed personal retreat at a monastery about two hours outside the city. I’ve taken retreats like this before, but never at a monastery. I loved the communal times of prayer three …

What I Learned at the Monastery—and How It Might Help You Keep reading »

For my birthday earlier this month my wife and I went to see the final Broadway performance of “Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of the Temptations.” As a native Detroiter and lover of all things Motown I savored …

The High Price of Progress – Reckoning with Sacrifices We Overlook or Underestimate Keep reading »

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! While 2021 has been rough in many ways, interacting with you has given me great joy. From email exchanges and comment threads to thirty minute phone calls and hourlong coaching conversations, you’ve made 2021 a …

Don’t Miss Them! Here are My Top Five Posts from 2021 Keep reading »

“Any other pastors out there feeling weary?” a minister in England asks. “I’ve had two weeks leave and feel as knackered [worn out] as I did before.” “I am emotionally drained,” another writes. “Any other pastors feeling like this?” “These …

How to Fulfill Your Calling and Fight Pandemic Fatigue Keep reading »