I was a guest on the Care to Change counseling podcast this month. It was the first in a series of episodes entitled “Men Matter Too.” The Director of Care to Change, April Bordeau, and I talked about the challenges …

Leadership, Burnout, and Four Resources Every Leader Needs to Thrive Keep reading »

I benefited from a host of great writers, podcasters, directors, playwrights, and theologians this year. It’s a delight to share my favorites from 2022 with you! Note: these are the best things I read, watched, or listened to this year. …

The Best of the Best—My Top Books, Podcasts, and More from 2022 Keep reading »

Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! While 2021 has been rough in many ways, interacting with you has given me great joy. From email exchanges and comment threads to thirty minute phone calls and hourlong coaching conversations, you’ve made 2021 a …

Don’t Miss Them! Here are My Top Five Posts from 2021 Keep reading »

Last New Year’s Eve we anticipated relief after ten months of unrelenting bad news. The vaccine was coming. Schools were reopening. Life would get back to normal. Well, not so much. The year 2021 failed to live up to the …

My Favorite Books, Podcasts, and More from an Unexpected 2021 Keep reading »