Note: this is Part 3 of a series. Here are links to Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7. Over the past few weeks I’ve encouraged you to ask yourself the daunting question, Why …

Five Critical Questions for Figuring Out Why God Put You Here Keep reading »

This is Part 1 of a short series. Here are links to Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and Part 7. I’ve been leading a training on self leadership, which involves knowing who you are. identifying …

Why did God make a world with you in it, instead of one without you? Keep reading »

A growing number of pastors are exploring the possibility of replanting their church once this pandemic mercifully comes to an end. Many are church planters whose next best step is backwards, so to speak—deemphasizing Sunday gatherings, treating the people who …

What a Successful Church Replant Requires of You Keep reading »

Last week I argued that you are trying to do too much, that you need to limit yourself to three and only three projects each week. But how do you decide which three to prioritize? That’s where long-range planning can …

Three Questions That Will Kickstart Your Imagination for the New Year Keep reading »