For Leaders
Leadership is a calling.
It’s also a challenge. Even more so during a pandemic.
That’s why I love walking with leaders, helping them identify what has them stuck, craft a plan for moving forward on mission, and experience wholeness all along the way.
In other words, I want to help you fulfill your calling without losing your soul.
“I have been consistently challenged by Matthew not only to grow as a leader, but to allow the gospel to be at the center of my growth and how I process my leadership.
Matthew is able to help me unpack overwhelming situations into manageable and understandable pieces. My personal and church leadership has grown tremendously with his coaching.“

God has equipped me to serve you.
Here are four ways we can get started.
1) Encouragement every week
This is the easiest place to start.
Every week I write to hundreds of pastors and Christian leaders all over the country with practical help for your leadership journey.
Just fill out this form to join the list.
And don’t worry: if you don’t find them worthwhile, you can unsubscribe at any time.
“Thank you for being so honest in your letters. There is nothing more refreshing than reading these letters that come from your soul. I pray that God will continue to teach you and use you for the purpose for which He has created you.”
E.M., subscriber from queens, NY
2) Articles on leadership
I get to spend a lot of time with leaders.
Pastors I coach. Ministers I train. Leaders I develop.
That means I can pass on what we’re learning in those contexts on to you.
Check out my latest writings here, and leave your thoughts below each post. I love to engage with leaders about matters that are important to you.
3) Coaching
You don’t need a coach all the time. But every so often leaders run into challenges you can’t get through by yourself.
Whether it’s beginning a new church, navigating congregational conflict, or renewing your missional vision, I am trained to help.

“Through his reminders of God’s grace to me in Christ, and that my identity isn’t bound up in my ministry performance but rather in the ministry Christ has already accomplished for me, I am more at peace than I was before as I walk the path God has for me. I am grateful to the Lord for His gospel, and for using Matthew Hoskinson to remind me of its truths and how they apply to the role God has me in now.”
My goal in every coaching call is to give you, the leader, a precious commodity that you rarely enjoy.
The gift of space to hear the Spirit and the Word speaking to you.
Through focused, confidential sixty-minute conversations, I will walk with you through the fog and help you see where God would have you go.
4) Soul care
Sometimes leaders need a coach. Someone to help them navigate a tricky or difficult path ahead.
But always, always leaders need a pastor.
Someone who will listen to their complaints.
Someone who doesn’t have a dog in the fight.
Someone who will pray for them.
Someone who can give direction, if that’s what you need.
If you’re interested in starting a soul care relationship, let’s talk.
Getting started
If you want to know more about either coaching or soul care, let’s set up a time to get to know each other, hear one another’s stories, and see if this would be a beneficial relationship to begin.
Just head over to my scheduling page where you can set up a free, no-obligation phone call.
Assuming we both decide to move forward, we’ll set up a contract according to the terms we discuss, including your desired outcome for coaching and the length of the contract.
I’d love to help you any way I can so that you …